RNR Plastics introduces a new line of vinyl pouches that feature clear windows and a magnetically closed strap to securely mount over wire baskets, racks or closed handles for holding job tickets, kanban tags, tracking slips, assembly instructions and various other messages.
RNR Magna-Hinge™ vinyl pouches feature a clear pocket to hold and display messages and a reinforced strap with two encapsulated rare earth magnets that can wrap around wire baskets, racks or closed handles and attach to each other. Suitable for use in manufacturing, assembly, materials handling, medical, military and retail operations, these heavy-duty pouches are made from 10-gauge PVC and permit barcode scanning.
Available in standard sizes from 4” x 6” to 8-1/2” x 11”, RNR Magna-Hinge™ vinyl pouches will not scratch painted metal surfaces because the magnets are fully encapsulated. Developed for holding job tickets with barcodes, manifests and other inventory management notices, these versatile vinyl pouches can be used for a wide range of display applications anywhere.
RNR Magna-Hinge™ vinyl pouches are priced from $ 0.49 each; 50 per package, depending upon size and quantity. Samples, pricing and quotations for special sizes and applications are available upon request. Dealer inquiries are encouraged.
For more information contact:
RNR Plastics
Jo Ann Reynolds, Marketing
1424 Somerset Avenue – Suite B
Dighton, MA 02715
(508) 821-4800 FAX (508) 821-3637
e-mail: jreynolds@rnrplastics.com